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She certainly was sexy! Those legs she partially hid under her skirt made my blood pressure and the skin covered bridge to sexual elation I hid in my pants both rise simultaneously. My bet is she'd be a wildcat!My mind snapped back to the current situation."Wendy?!?!" I repeated silently in my head. "What the hell's going on?" I wondered to myself. I knew this tall, sensuous fox standing in front of me definitely wasn't Wanda, but the resemblance was uncanny. Then I saw a small but very sexy smile appeared on the face of this beauty in front of me. "I'm Wanda's sister, Wendy," she said as she slid her chair over and offered me a place between her and the lady that had just moments before been rooting for my ass to be relocated somewhere above my shoulders. "This is my dear friend, Sue," said Wendy as she introduced me to the "warrior-wanna-be". Not being one to know when to keep my mouth shut, I looked at Sue. "You gonna get your briefs in a bunch if I sit beside you?" I asked with a. Jane had been born with a deformity in her ovaries and they'd had to be removed almost the moment she reached puberty; because of some complication or the other, which she never did go into fine details about. I'll be honest here I get just a little queasy when folks start talking about all that medical stuff. Jane also informed me that she had to take hormone replacement pills everyday, like some women who reach the end of their menstruation do. What do they call it, the change?Although the idea of not having any naturally born children, was a blow for me; Jane had accepted her lot many years before. We did discuss the possibility of adoption sometime in the future. And there were some unexpected benefits to living with a woman who didn't menstruate. No PMS - like Mary Beth used to get sometimes — and no missing out a few nights every month.The only unpredictable thing was a distinct variation in Jane's sexual appetite or libido that proved to be connected to those pills she took.
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